We have included links to resources that can assist with animal welfare. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you with other information.
Do you have feral and or abandoned cats in your neighborhood?
The Quincy Area Community Cat Coallition is dedicated to reducing the suffering and overpopulation of feral and abandoned cats through free, humane trap-neuter-return. When funding is available, we provide trapping, transporting, spaying/neutering, and returning to their outdoor homes, where they are monitored by their caretakers
20% of your purchase goes to animal rescues – use promo code: quincyhumanesociety15 to also save 15% on your purchase
Have you lost your furry friend?
You can search for your furry friend by clicking here
We feed our shelter animals Science Diet
License plate to help prevent overpopulation by spaying & neutering IL companion animals.
Promoting the protection of ALL animals.
American Humane Society – Protecting Children and Animals since 1877.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Find a friend for your family
The Ultimate Guide to Homeowners Insurance for Dog Owners